Displaying items by tag: luxury handbags

Luxury Kisses is a new online shopping experience for buyers looking for verified, luxury and designer merchandise. Luxury Kisses offers the best in designer fashions, luxury handbags, shoes and accessories as well as new hand-made merchandise. Sellers enjoy selling their luxury items with no back-end commission split or high consignment fees. Sellers may choose to sell their luxury merchandise directly to LxK for cash or list their own items directly on the site.

Published in High fashion

A new luxury line of Canadian handbags comes bearing a mission: to spread a message of unity consciousness. Bearing the tagline “I am you and you are me. One love and unity,” HYM (http://www.hymonline.com), which stands for His, Hers, Yours and Mine, features a line of leather handbags designed by Christina Di Pede. Di Pede’s mission is create fashions that merge genders and dispel illusions of separation.

Published in High fashion