Friday, 24 September 2021 13:30

Sailing Safety for Beginners

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Most of us dream about sailing off into the sunset or boarding a sailboat and cruising from port to port around the world. While that would be an exciting challenge, sailing is much more involved and challenging than motorized boating.

When it comes to sailing, you can’t just head out onto the water with no experience, as you could end up in serious danger.


For those who have a passion for the water, it’s a good idea to take a sailing course if you plan to buy your own boat. There are many skills that you will need to master. After some practice, you will be able to tell the difference between a quality drifter sail and know how to read the tides.

Sailing can be a spiritual experience and is a great water activity for the whole family once you know what you are doing. You will need to understand how to read the weather, navigate currents, and what to do if you are in trouble on the water. Let’s take a look at a few sailing tips for beginners that will keep you safe.

Licences and Regulations

When you purchase a boat, you will need to ensure that you are properly registered and licensed. You should also take the time to learn all the local and federal rules and regulations that govern the sailing world.

Take a Course

In most areas where sailing is a popular pastime, you will have no trouble finding a qualified sailing instructor to teach you how to handle yourself on your boat. Learning the basics is essential for staying safe on the water. You can also invest in good boating safety equipment like external bow thruster, and a vertical windlass after learning their usage and functionality.

Beaufort Scale

The Beaufort Scale is a rating system for wind and weather. You will need to memorize this chart so that you will be able to navigate through any weather conditions safely.

Watch the Clouds

When you are out on the water, conditions can change very quickly. To stay safe and avoid getting caught in a devastating storm, it’s important to know how to read the signs of oncoming weather. The clouds’ shape, size, and wind speed will tell you what weather is on the horizon.


As the water moves under you with the tidal pull, you must understand what the water is doing and what the right tidal schedules are. You don’t want to end up grounded by staying too long on a neap tide area and becoming stranded. Study the tide maps to ensure that you are always in the right area when the tides are going out.

Local Currents

The ebb and flow of the water can change your course if you don’t know what you are doing in your sailboat. Getting caught in a strong current can be dangerous. Study the local currents until you have them memorized, and learn what to do if you have trouble navigating a current.

Sailing can be more than a leisure activity; it can quickly become a passion or a lifestyle. If you want to stay safe on the water and get the most out of your sailing experience, it’s important that you take the time to learn. Follow these tips to help you stay safe on the water.